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Prepare for the Unexpected

Disclosure Statement

TravelAid services are provided by Integrated Behavioral Health, Inc., and UnitedHealthcare Global. The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America (Guardian) does not provide any part of TravelAid services. Guardian is not responsible or liable for care or advice given by any provider or resource under the program. This information is for illustrative purposes only. It is not a contract. Only the policy can provide the actual terms, services, limitations and exclusions. We are not responsible for availability, quality, result of or failure to provide any medical, legal or other care or service caused by conditions beyond Our control. Guardian and IBH reserve the right to discontinue TravelAid at any time. Legal services provided through WorkLife Matters will not be provided in connection with or preparation for any action against Guardian, IBH, or your employer.

Contact TravelAid

 Services are Available 24 Hours a Day

Call: 410-453-6330 
U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, Bermuda
